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قناة تيليغرام - فرص العمل في تركيا على التيليغرامقناة تيليغرام - فرص العمل في تركيا على التيليغرام

Administrative Assistant


Job Title : Administrative Assistant

Experience Required : more than 5 years in similar field

Languages : Arabic & English are essential, Turkish language is a plus

Duties & Responsipilities : 

-Daily update and report of the work flow to the Management

-Coordinate & follow up all work issues assigned to the emplyees by the management

 -Arranging the weekly meeting with the management, preparing meeting agenda & topics to be discussed and all related documents,

-Preparing MOM, and follow up the implementation of the action plan discussed and approved by the management with the concerned
-Maintaining the Employees personal files
-Preparing the monthly payroll
-prepareing the monthly payment schedule related to the office bills such as electricity bills,mobile, internet ,etc..
-Sending all the official invoices to the chartered accountant on monthly basis
-Any additional duties assigned by the management

Company Location : Bagcilar - Mahmutbay

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قناة تيليغرام - فرص العمل في تركيا على التيليغرامقناة تيليغرام - فرص العمل في تركيا على التيليغرام
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