You can receive the car within 30 minutes with favorable interest rates from our contracted financial companies.
Repayment options up to 48 months.
Individual loan financing up to 238,000 Turkish Liras.
With AKSU AUTO guarantee.
With over 15 years of experience in the sector, we take pride in offering our services to our esteemed customers.
You can conduct an expertise inspection on our cars at any expertise inspection center of your choice.
We buy, sell, and exchange all types of used cars, whether passenger or commercial vehicles. We also offer bank loan financing.
We provide services on Saturdays and Sundays.
We can offer loan financing with payment terms of 50% cash and the remainder in installments.
Payments can also be split over all credit cards for 9-12 months.
Emrah AKSU: 0532 208 71 35
Alihan AKSU: 0530 130 72 79
Celal AKSU: 0535 718 72 75
ERSİN ERSOY: 0533 931 65 43
The engine and other components are in excellent condition and have been serviced on time.
You can inspect the car at any service center of your choice.
The car boasts comprehensive maintenance, and the engine and components are as good as new.
You can sell your cars on the same day for cash value.