Our portfolio is located in the ÇENGELDERE GÜNDOĞDU neighborhood
The land area is 270 square meters and the total usable area in the building is 450 square meters.
The land has an independent deed.
The building consists of 4 floors and a construction registration certificate has been obtained.
The total usable area in the building is 450 square meters.
The ground floor includes a storage/warehouse area: 50 square meters.
First floor: 90 square meters (2+1).
Second floor: 90 square meters (2+1).
Third floor: 110 square meters (3+1).
Fourth floor: 110 square meters (3+1).
The building is thermally insulated and each floor is independent from the other.
In terms of location, the building is centrally located near public transport and markets, with a public and private primary school right next to it.
It is about 8-10 minutes away from the Ümraniye, Çekmeköy, and Kavacık areas.
ICAZ REAL ESTATE is the sole agent for presenting and selling this property.
For more details and to schedule an appointment, please contact:
0555 712 34 61
Professional Competency Certificate Number: YB0157/17UY0333-5/00/2745