0 (212) 679 20 23
0 533 390 93 33
0 546 918 55 28
0 507 064 70 31
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Car Information: 2018 Mercedes GLA 200 AMG Model
The most equipped package in its class.
Engine, transmission, and other components are in excellent condition and require no repairs.
Spare key and user manuals available.
All periodic and major maintenance completed.
Serviced at certified service.
Expert evaluation: No accidents, hits, paint, or replaced parts.
No accident record.
Payment Options:
The car is eligible for a bank loan.
Insurance Value: 1,513,000 Turkish Lira
For individual clients: 454,000 Turkish Lira
For limited companies and tax record holders: A car loan of 1,060,000 Turkish Lira can be obtained.
Deferred financing with payment facilities:
30% down payment (500,000 Turkish Lira).
Instalment payment options for 12 - 18 - 24 - 36 months
(provided the credit score is 1250 or higher).
Compulsory insurance.
Deferred sales through our company with bonds:
Minimum cash payment of 50% of the car price (837,500 Turkish Lira).
The remaining amount can be paid over 12 to 20 months with bonds.
(No credit report or insurance requirement).
In case of installment payments through our company, we accept partial checks.
Exchange possibility with your car:
If you send photos of your car with information about mileage, paint, changes, and technical report via WhatsApp, it will be evaluated.
Mileage and technical report guarantee:
Our cars are guaranteed for mileage and technical report.
In case of any issue not mentioned in the car report, our company will cover the cost of the technical report.
İstoç Oto Ticaret MerkeziL 2 Blok No : 202 Göztepe / BAĞCILAR