Possibility to obtain a loan for a period of 6 months up to 48 months using only your ID card, without the need to go to the bank
Insurance Value: 780,000₺
Available Loan Amount: 390,000₺
Installment option up to 48 months
Car Information:
No changes
The right rear part of the car, right rear fenders, and the left rear door have surface paint
Accident record: 6,000₺
The interior and exterior condition as is, like new
Fluid maintenance has been conducted
Spare key and manual available
Engine and transmission in excellent condition
If the technical report results differ, the expertise fee will be on our company’s account
Kadıköy / Göztepe - Merdiyenköy district - Ayışığı Street
Contact Sezgin bey:
0532 787 21 45 (The sole agent for loans and exchange)
Working Hours:
Monday to Friday: 09:30 - 18:00
Please contact before visiting the car of interest
Purchases and sales are done in full cash (no installment, checks, or promissory notes)
All cars registered under our name are documented with invoices
Our experts conduct thorough checks
Visits to cars allowed in service or for exhibition to the expert in the Asian side of Istanbul