Natural skin exfoliators.
● The importance of facial exfoliation As a person ages, the process of cell renewal becomes slower, in addition to the fact that the body decreases its efficiency by getting rid of cells and producing other cells, and the accumulation of these dead cells on the surface of the skin leads to making the skin look dull, neglected and dry, in addition to that It clogs the pores of the face and causes an increase in oils on the face, acne and pimples. Exfoliation works to remove these dead cells so that new cells are produced after that, to make the skin renewed and more healthy.
● Benefits of facial peeling:
1- Repairing skin defects, by exfoliating the face at least twice a week.
2- Get rid of dark or red spots and marks that appear after healing of the rash, by exfoliating the face twice a week.
3- Get rid of black and white heads caused by clogged pores, which spread in the areas of the nose, chin and forehead.
4- Removing pigmentation and dark color in some areas, resulting from aging, pregnancy or hormonal changes.
5- Effectively treat dry and flaky skin.
6- Stimulating the growth of hair that grows under the skin, which causes red spots around it. Exfoliation removes dead cells to encourage hair to come out to the surface of the skin.
7- Activating the blood circulation in the body and strengthening the lymphatic system, which encourages the body to produce new cells and get rid of fatty tissue and toxins.