Property in: SİLİVRİ- YOLÇATI neighborhood, Island 4415, Parcel 45
Area: 7276 m² (with a single ownership deed)
On our land, there are 270 walnut trees, aged 9 years, producing 5 tons of walnuts annually.
Modern irrigation system with drip irrigation is present, and production is expected to double next year.
Location of the property:
Very close to YOLÇATI neighborhood
Located near residential areas and open for development
Situated on the highway
Very close to public transportation
10 minutes to SİLİVRİ center
30 minutes to ARNAVUTKÖY center
20 minutes to ÇATALCA center
10 minutes to E6 TEM highway toll gates
5 minutes to KUZEY MARMARA highway
The area is surrounded by buildings and factories
For more details and appointment:
0532 223 90 70