Approved Document Number: 3401567
Guaranteed by EKŞİOĞLU AUTOMOTIVE Company
✓ Model 2022
✓ Original mileage: 99,000 km
✓ Inspection valid until 02.06.2025
Replaced Parts: None
Paint: Hood
Accident Record: 23,434 Lira
Available financing:
Down payment: 30% of the car's value
Remaining financing: Ability to pay the remainder via bonds up to 36 months
Available Loan: 270,000 Lira
Bonds Available: 500,000 Lira
Comprehensive Insurance Code: 1232231
Value of Comprehensive Insurance: 840,000 Lira
Selçuk Sami Ekşioğlu 535 707 7632
Mehmet Genç 543 844 0142
Burkay Ekşi 545 942 8347
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