Our car's engine is running very well, our car is a 1*4 diesel, with an original mileage reading.
The car's technical inspection expiry date is 10.06.2025
The car has a significant damage record worth only 63,000 TL
The car's chassis number is KNADD513AH6044701, which you can inquire about.
You can see our car at the following address:
ISTANBUL BAYRAMPAŞA ULUYOL BESIDE BEREÇ TRAM STATION or we can inspect it anywhere you wish.
The car is subject to technical inspection.
A bank loan can be used, installments available for all credit cards, and trade-ins are possible provided the car is seen.
We offer a sale with half the amount in cash and promissory notes.
For more information, you can contact the following numbers:
0 212 576 63 63
0 532 391 55 69
0 538 369 0 369
0 535 761 77 77