Independent land of 3,330 square meters in SİLİVRİ YOLÇATI with a single title deed and fenced perimeter
Our land is located right in the middle of SİLİVRİ YOLÇATI and the village of ÇELTİK
Walking distance to both villages
Near water
Partial exchange with vehicles possible
* Next to VİLLA KENT complex
SİLİVRİ YOLÇATI Island 4415 Parcel 46
Area: 3,330 square meters
* Very close to SİLİVRİ YOLÇATI neighborhood
* Location very close to main road and public transport
* 10 minutes from SİLİVRİ center
* 15 minutes from SİLİVRİ beach
* 20 minutes from ÇATALCA center
* 10 minutes from E6 TEM highway gates
* 5 minutes from KUZEY MARMARA highway
* Surrounded by constructions
* Next to factories
For more details and to schedule a visit
İBRAHİM YERHAN ; 0532 223 90 70