Our car model 2004
Car license 8+1
Technical inspection for two years
No exchange
Completely new design
Thermal and sound insulation
Interior and exterior specifications of the car:
The car operates via a touch screen control unit
Independent air conditioner for the rear (hot and cold)
Automatically adjustable tables
Wireless charging
Automatic internal partition
82-inch TV screen
2 speakers
Hidden LED lighting system
Custom body design kits
220V power inverter
3M American scratch-resistant glass film
Materials used in the car:
High-quality first-class materials have been used as in new cars.
The pictures in the advertisement are current photos of the car.
The car is designed according to the TÜVTÜRK regulation.
Additional information:
The car is licensed as an 8+1 vehicle
It can be used in tourism and passenger transport.
Engine: New timing belt, new injector maintenance, new turbo maintenance, no problems.
The suspension, brakes, and shock absorbers have been fully maintained.
No parts have been replaced.
Paint: 4 parts painted, 2 parts with local paint.
The car can be inspected anywhere you prefer.
Payment via credit card is available in installments.